How Mobile Telephony works

This site is mainly to understand and discuss about Business Support System. So we will just have a very brief overview of the Mobile technology networks concepts needed to grasp the concepts of Billing Systems.

Mobile technology is also termed as “Cell technology”. 

The mobile technology operates using Digital techniques of Frequency modulation within a specific area known as coverage area. The coverage area is divided into multiple logical entities called cells. Each cell operates at a particular frequency within the allocated spectrum. Each cell has a BTS (Base Transreceiver system, the antenna seen on the top of tall buildings). A group of BTSs are connected to and controlled by a BSC (Base Control System). The BSC is in turn connected to a MSC (Mobile Switching Centre). MSC is the heart of the mobile network. A MSC is a physical server and hence has its own limitation of processing power, performance. So based on the volume of call traffic and mobile subscribers, a network can have more than one MSC. Most of the networks will also have a GMSC(Gateway Mobile Switching Centre). The GSMC bridges the communication of a Mobile network with the outside world i.e it connects the Cell/Mobile network to other networks like PSTN or Fixed Net, other Mobile network through a Interconnect Service Provider.
